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Where does all the money go?

I haven’t blogged in a while, though I’ve been meaning to. I’ve been meaning to write about the unexpected expenditures that make a big...

UC budgeting nightmares

I logged in to my UC journal today to see where DWP-UC is up to with paying me the right amount of money. They’ve made one correction –...

Money matters

DWP-UC has apparently now told DWP-ESA to stop paying me. I have received, in three separate envelopes that arrived on the same day, a...

UC update

My telephone appointment last week went fine. All the Work Coach wanted was to ask if I had received, completed and sent off the form for...

Work is not a health outcome

A couple of days ago I saw this tweet on Twitter: “Work as a health outcome is a fundamental principle for us. There must be a shared...

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