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Is Philanthropy Christian?

I have been thinking recently about what Christian lending and borrowing would look like if we tried to incorporate Biblical principles,...

Why I'm opposed to UBI

I am opposed to the idea of a Universal Basic Income on economic grounds – I don’t think that the sorts of money needed to lift those...

Some thoughts on pro-active help

My church has an evening meeting on Sundays, either a bible study and discussion or a prayer session. Every Sunday evening it makes me...

Prayer, repentance and common humanity

We prayed today for the aftermath of the death of George Floyd at the knee of a white police officer. We prayed for his family, for the...

Spiritual prayers in physical suffering

This evening we had a Bible study on Ephesians 1:15-23 and the prayer it contains. Paul was writing to a church he had spent two years...

Will we answer God's call?

Down the centuries there have been some notable Christian achievements done for the good of people and to the glory of God. Christians...

Your life or my luxury?

It is, when I get down to it, fear. Fear because the people who need to care don’t care. Fear because I can’t get them to care. I can’t...

PIP: maintaining poverty, removing choice

The point of extra-costs disability benefits is to meet some of the costs experienced by people with disability, in order to raise them...

GPs: for us or against us?

Pulse, the magazine for GPs, has written that, "GPs warn the system for assessing whether people are too sick to work is becoming...

Subsidiarity and the UBI vs UBS debate

This post is a response to Simon Duffy’s critique of a debate between Barb Johnson (from Basic Income UK) and Anna Coote (from New...

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