Is Philanthropy Christian?
I have been thinking recently about what Christian lending and borrowing would look like if we tried to incorporate Biblical principles,...
I have been thinking recently about what Christian lending and borrowing would look like if we tried to incorporate Biblical principles,...
I am opposed to the idea of a Universal Basic Income on economic grounds – I don’t think that the sorts of money needed to lift those...
My church has an evening meeting on Sundays, either a bible study and discussion or a prayer session. Every Sunday evening it makes me...
Dear Jonathan Reynolds, Re: Welfare should reflect ‘what you put in’ to tackle public mistrust, says Labour’s shadow DWP secretary I am...
We prayed today for the aftermath of the death of George Floyd at the knee of a white police officer. We prayed for his family, for the...
This evening we had a Bible study on Ephesians 1:15-23 and the prayer it contains. Paul was writing to a church he had spent two years...
Down the centuries there have been some notable Christian achievements done for the good of people and to the glory of God. Christians...
It is, when I get down to it, fear. Fear because the people who need to care don’t care. Fear because I can’t get them to care. I can’t...
There is a major issue around where I live that the churches lack credibility in the community. This is a longstanding issue stemming...
Bible study: Luke 5:17-26 The story of the paralysed man is familiar to many Christians. Four men bring their paralysed friend to Jesus...
I am terribly afraid that what the coronavirus crisis is teaching us is that politics is the answer to people’s problems. That what we...
Historically, women suffering from multiple sclerosis were told that it was all in their heads. Then researchers discovered that people...
PIP isn’t supposed to be about diagnoses. But even with my diagnoses, I have major difficulties getting benefits assessors from a range...
Recently I failed a PIP appeal. I get standard rate mobility - which at one point the Tribunal were minded to take away - but was...
The point of extra-costs disability benefits is to meet some of the costs experienced by people with disability, in order to raise them...
Pulse, the magazine for GPs, has written that, "GPs warn the system for assessing whether people are too sick to work is becoming...
In the modern hegemony of identity politics, a person is only allowed to comment on something if they have direct experience of it. So...
This post is a response to Simon Duffy’s critique of a debate between Barb Johnson (from Basic Income UK) and Anna Coote (from New...
UBI imagines a world in which all jobs are carried out by robots. The increased use of robots in work is assumed to mean that we can...
Let us imagine that a UBI is paid that is at the minimum income standard (MIS). The MIS is enough money for social participation and...